The school year is coming to an end meaning that a new group of freshmen are about the begin their high school experience. Freshman year is an exciting time for incoming eighth graders. You get to experience so many new things like your first high school dance, lockers, a new schedule, and high school sports. Here are some tips and advice for the incoming freshman.
- Learn Where Your Classes Are! – The high school is a lot bigger compared to the middle school and it’s easy to get lost. The good thing is if you check on the wire you can see the hallway and the room number next to your class when you get your schedule. I would suggest making a sticky note, or note card and use it for your first couple of days of classes so you don’t get lost. You can also walk with your friends if they have the same class as you but you don’t know where it is.
- Get Organized! – The number 1 thing I would suggest is to be organized when you get into high school. It’s really hard to keep up with all your teachers and assignments and remember all the deadlines. What I do is I write all my assignments for that week on a sticky note and the day they are due and put it on my computer so that way I can remember what I have to do and when it is due!
- Connect With Upper Classmen – I know it can be very scary to talk to people in the older grades in high school, but it is very helpful to have friends that already know what it;s like to be a freshman. They can give you advice, show you where things are, and if you’re lucky even give you rides to things.
- Build A Relationship With Your Teachers – High school is a lot harder than middle school mainly because your teachers aren’t holding your hand anymore and are trying to push you to be accountable for yourself. They want to help you and are more than happy to, but it’s your job to form a relationship with them and reach out when you need help on something.
- Try New Things – High school is a great time to branch out and try new activities or make new friends. Sports is a great place to meet new people and talk to people you wouldn’t normally talk to. Also since there are so many classes you get a bunch of different people in a lot of your classes meaning you can have new and different people every period!