As December rolls around, it is followed by a Christmas spirit. Houses begin to light up and the scents of cinnamon and cloves fill the air. The most notable sign that Christmas is around the corner however is stores beginning to play Christmas music. When you walk into a store on December 1st and hear “White Christmas” playing over the speakers, you know it’s that time of the year again.
Everybody has a holiday favorite, but songs get old, so what does the younger generation think of ancient songs such as “Rockin Around the Christmas Tree” which have been around since before even their parents were born. One student, Heath Speck, when asked about his favorite christmas song, claimed that “All I Want For Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey was the best Christmas song. Heath prefers the “Christmas Classics” because “They are more recognizable and newer versions don’t carry the same spirit.”
Hank Parrish, another student at All Saints, says his favorite song is “It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas” by Michael Buble. Hank also prefers the classics, but Michael Buble did a better job. To Hank, Buble’s version has always been the most played version since he was a kid so it’s a classic to him.
It seems the main factor determining which songs are good or bad are the memories they bring back to people. Most people prefer the “Classics” because they bring them back to a past Christmas.