Homecoming Week
Last week was homecoming and it was very exciting with themed dress days and activities we don’t normally do. From the homecoming game vs. Anna High School to bikers vs. surfers on Tuesday. Pregame festivities and our homecoming rally was also a big part of our week where there was a lot of buzz and excitement going around the school. This week I interviewed people on how they saw Homecoming week and what some of the highlights from their week were.
Me- Who had the best dressed out of all week?
Larry- Blake’s biker outfit because it was the most creative.
Me- Who showed the most spirit all week?
Larry- Liam because he was hype all week with the most energy and he was very excited about the game.
Me- Who was the best dressed at homecoming?
Larry- Moose because it was the most colorful and unique everyone else kind of just wore plain black or navy suits and most of the girls wore a pink dress.
Me- Who gave off the least school spirit?
Larry- Jay Cleary because he acted like he didn’t want to be at school at all.
Me- Who had the best dressed out of all week?
Kloe- Blake because he had that really creative biker outfit.
Me- Who showed the most spirit all week?
Kloe- Definitely Blake because he went above and beyond everyday.
Me- Who was the best dressed at homecoming?
Kloe- Noah because his neon green suit was colorful and creative.
Me- Who gave off the least school spirit?
Kloe- Kelden or Dougie because they didn’t dress up at all, but they were very focused on their football game Friday.
Me- Who had the best dressed out of all week?
Qumonte- Blake’s biker outfit, he went all out showed some real effort
Me- Who showed the most spirit all week?
Q- Jhett because he went all out everyday and he gave a serious effort.
Me- Who was the best dressed at homecoming?
Q- Moose because he was unique when everyone else pretty much wore the same thing.
Me- Who gave off the least school spirit?
Q- Myself because I was locked in on the game I wasn’t worried about all of that honestly it’s just not how I prepare.
Homecoming Week was exciting and most people in the school had a great time. There were a lot of good opinions, but it seems like the consensus was clear, Blake was the best dressed all week which would make sense because he is our head prefect. There was a lot of different opinions about who had the most and who had the least spirit but most people agreed that most of the football players didn’t have great spirit because they were getting locked in for their game.